Welcome to Resilience Planning
We work in partnership with our clients to build capability in preparing for and managing through disruption.
We support holistic system and capability integration to build and sustain individual and organisational resilience. |
Our Services
Organisational Resilience Health CheckA comprehensive check of your organisation's capability to thrive through disruptive events.
Capability DevelopmentPreparing your people to lead through disruption and protect what is important.
System DevelopmentBuilding effective risk, crisis, business continuity and emergency plans and programs
Lesson Management
Don’t wait until the crisis has passed to begin reviewing how your organisation is performing. Capturing key insights and learnings in the early stages of the crisis as well as throughout an event will support the ongoing implementation of robust and resilient strategies and support business recovery.
Capturing and highlighting lessons early supports reflectie practice, collaboration, evidence based decision making and highlights innovation.
The lessons process
Capturing and highlighting lessons early supports reflectie practice, collaboration, evidence based decision making and highlights innovation.
The lessons process
Perspectives and opinion in the context of the event Insights Observations that unpack the story and provide a logical understanding of events |
Lessons Identified
The analysis and validation of insights in context that identify actions to improve performance Lessons Learned The execution of actions that result in changes in organisational behaviour and new ways of doing better |
Get in Touch With Us
Based in the Adelaide Hills, Australia working within a global community